

(2015) Masdima Explainer Video: this two minutes video explains the main concepts and advantages of using MASDIMA for disruption management in airline operations control.
(2015) MASDIMA Video for the UTEN Global Startup Program.: produced as part of our application to the UTEN (University of Texas at Austin) Global Startup Program, where we explain MASDIMA, vision, technology and reasons for being selected to participate in the GSP
(2013) Multi-agent System for Disruption Management: this is the advanced prototype I have developed during my PhD work to prove my hypotheses. It is a Distributed and Autonomous System that represents the Airline Operational Control Center with capacity to provided an Integrated solution to the problems in real-time and with adaptive characteristics.
(2013) Presentation at Fraunhofer Portugal Challenge: this is the advanced prototype I have developed during my PhD work to prove my hypotheses. It is a Distributed and Autonomous System that represents the Airline Operational Control Center with capacity to provided an Integrated solution to the problems in real-time and with adaptive characteristics.